Online Gambling Trio Penalised By Regulator

September 21, 2018 by

Popular online betting operator William Hill has once again found itself under the scrutiny of the UK advertising watchdog after it was discovered they were playing ads on an app designed for children.

The Advertising Standards Authority made the ruling that an advertisement for William Hill Vegas had been target inappropriately, and that it breached the Code. It started with a complaint that was filed with the ASA, to which Hills quickly defended its actions, saying that it had used Universal App Campaign products that were offered by Google. They claim that the product does not allow them to specify any targets apart from location.

They further added that as gambling is considered to be a restricted product, the ads provided by Google were limited to those that had specified that they were over the age of 18.

The ASA had accepted that New MarioKart 8 trick was technically children’s media, but that it considered that the audience for the product would have likely included those under the age of 18. While the ASA won’t take any further serious action against the operator, they have instructed them to ensure that future ads are targeted for the right audience, and are only available to those that are over 18.

This ruling come after Hills launched a new responsible gambling initiative called Nobody Harmed. It was launched not after they admitted that they had fallen below the standards of regulators, the government, and the general public.

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Sophie Lise

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