Online Casino DrVegas UK-Services Suspended

July 6, 2018 by

DrVegas, an online casino operator, has recently suspended all services in the UK, and it’s yet to be confirmed whether the suspension is permanent of temporary.

Customers of the DrVegas site were met with shock and confusion after learning that they were no longer able to make use of the site’s services in the United Kingdom. The operator posted a notice explaining that the site would be down in the UK, but the notice did not mention whether there would be permanent or not.

DrVegas has been facing a series of problems in recent months, thanks mostly due allegations of slow payment or sometimes even no payment at all, which were launched by both players and some affiliate partners. More than a few players had reported that withdrawals could sometimes take weeks to complete, and some even came forward to claim that their withdrawals had been outright cancelled.

Partnerama, an affiliate of DrVegas working with the corporate arm under parent company CZ Holdings, has also come forward to explain that they were facing the same problems. There have also been a series of third-party sites that have been pulling advertisement on the site in a bid to contact the company after previous attempts had failed.

Those that try to visit the site are met with the same landing page, one that promises withdrawals will be completed. It also explains that the DrVegas site is being closed permanently, although not everyone was able to view this page.

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Sophie Lise

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