New Director For The UKGC

December 7, 2017 by

UKGC Welcomes New Executive Director

The UK Gambling Commission has this week announced the appointment of a new Executive Director. The position will be filled by James Mackay. He previously worked for the Rail Delivery Group, a supervisory board where Mackay served as the Head of Regulatory Policy.

Sarah Harrison, Chief Executive said that the UKGC is delighted to work with Mackay. The group hope that McKay’s regulatory experience and strong credentials will help the UKGC to secure the next National Lottery licence.

The commission will be aiming to secure the licence over the next 5 years. Both MacKay and Harrison are both committed to seeing the National Lottery fulfil its strategic role as an asset for society, the economy and culture in the UK.

Mackay added that it is an exciting time for the UKGC where the when the role of gambling and the National Lottery are under debate in the country. Mackay said he wishes to transform the way the lottery currently works to make sure that it remains fit for purposed in the coming years. At the moment Camelot UK has the tender to run the UK lottery but the UKGC wishes to pick up that tender and Mackay is earmarked to lead the charge.

UKGC Fines Broadway Gaming

After a UKGC investigation in recent weeks it was announced that Broadway Gaming has been issued a £100,000 penalty. The company, according to the UKGC, failed to provide adequate terms and conditions on 5 separate gaming websites. Broadway accepted the fine and agreed that they did not comply with the CAP code.

The investigation originally started with the ASA investigating an advertisement that Broadway Gaming displayed on the Butlers Bingo website. The advertisement simply stated that if you deposit £10, you will be able to play for £35

Originally the ASA ruled that the advertisement should be taken down, but soon after a UKGC investigation found that the same advertisement was still active on other websites.  The advertisement has since been taken down and Broadway Gaming was ordered to pay the fine which includes the UKGC’s legal costs. Additionally the full report will be published on the UKGC website.

The UKGC and the ASA take their roles of guardians of social responsibility very seriously and they have so far kept their regulatory practices very strict and by the book which has earned them equal amounts of praise and scorn over the last few months.

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