Italy’s iGaming Licence Forecast Falls Short

October 15, 2018 by

Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM) has recently announced that it has only received 80 iGaming licences so far, which is 40 short of what the regulatory agency had initially predicted for the year so far.

The ADM will be completing their approvals before the start of the Christmas season, and licences will be valid until the end of December of 2022. The applications was initially launched by the ADM at the beginning of the year before a number of tough laws were installed into the country, which were aimed at gambling-related aadvertising and promotions. The laws were put in place by the country’s newest ruling part, and is known as the Dignity Decree.

Operators were asked by the MDN to pay a once-off sum of $231,000 in order for their applications to be processed before the 20 March deadline. So far, a total of 70 companies have applied for 80 licences in total.

Members in the industry have explained that the applications numbers could have potentially been much lower, especially as most of them were sent through before operators were made aware of the extreme changes in the advertisement laws of the country. Many operators and trading bodies have condemned the Italian government for its harsh ruling, and some, such as LeoVegas, have gone as far as to suggest that the government reverse the ruling entirely. There have also been warnings that the ban could have long-term consequences on the Italian betting market.

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Sophie Lise

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