Fish Party Jackpots To Increase

September 29, 2017 by

New Bonus Added To Fish Party Poker

The Microgaming Poker Network is one of the most innovative spaces in online gaming. When they aren’t hosting world-class tournaments they are adding new modifications to their existing Poker tables to make the games more attractive and more rewarding.

Their latest project has been their Fish Party Sit and Go tournaments. These simple to play and join tournaments have become very popular on the Microgaming Poker Network thanks to their fuss free play style.

Fish Party is essentially a multi-player Video Poker tournament. Buy-ins start as low as $1 but can get as high as $50. It takes a maximum of four players per tournament and while you wait for the other players to join you can play a 3×3 simplified slot version of Fish Party. This slot will determine what the prize pool for the tournament is once all seats at the table are full.

Stepping Up Their Game

Now Microgaming have added a unique Trawler Jackpot to the proceedings to entice more players to try out Fish Party while giving current players the same chance for massive cash prizes. The new bonus feature will be running throughout the month of October.

The standard table tournament jackpot will be increased by an amazing $10 000. Players will not have to increase their buy in amount or complete any registration forms. The jackpots will just be increased on all Fish Party tournaments.

Roll Over Rewards

That is not all, if that additional $10 000 is not claimed within 24 hours, it will become a roll over and increase by $5000 for the next tournament. This will continue until the maximum jackpot amount of $20 000 is reached.

If a player manages to hit the standard Fish Party progressive jackpot in October, the Trawler prize money will instead be distributed evenly amongst all players that sat down at a Fish Party tournament in the previous 24 hours.

If there are no winners, the funds will be up for grabs in a Consolation Flip Free-roll tournament on the 3rd of November. Entry to the tournament will be open for anyone who played the Fish Party tables between the 1st and 3rd of October.

It is great to see Microgaming’s dedication to their community. They have done great things so far with the Microgaming Poker Network and this new promotion looks set to grow their customer base even more. Very few real money gaming fans can resist such tempting prizes and such fun Poker gaming.

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Sophie Lise

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